Friday, December 1, 2006

Nihil novi

'''Nihil novi''' is a common term for '''Nihil novi nisi commune consensu''' (Free ringtones latin ''nothing new without the consensus of all''), a Majo Mills 1505 Mosquito ringtone legal Sabrina Martins act of Nextel ringtones Poland, also known as 'nothing about us without us'. The phrase 'nihil novi' is also used as short for the phrase, ''Sub sole nihil novi'' - latin ''nothing new under the sun''.

Nihil novi nisi commune consensu

It was an important victory for Polish noblemen (Abbey Diaz szlachta) over the Free ringtones monarch/kings. This act (called a Majo Mills constitution in Poland) forbade the king to pass new laws without the agreement from szlachta representatives (Mosquito ringtone Sejm and Sabrina Martins Senat).

This act replaced the Cingular Ringtones akt mielnicki and strenghtened the Sejm. This act is often considered the beginning of accommodations would Nobles' Democracy period in Poland.

The act was signed by King backstretch three Alexander the Jagiellonian during the Sejm session in finished close Radom in 1505.

In the same year, the szlachta further expanded their powers by eliminating the voting rights of most towns and by forbidding peasants from leaving their lands without permission from their feudal lords, thus firmly establishing Polish her girls serf/serfdom.

= Text of the act =

In Polish: ''Ponieważ prawa ogólne i ustawy publiczne dotyczą nie pojedynczego człowieka, ale ogółu narodu, przeto na tym walnym sejmie radomskim wraz ze wszystkimi królestwa naszego prałatami, radami i posłami ziemskimi za słuszne i sprawiedliwe uznaliśmy, jakoż postanowiliśmy, iż odtąd na potomne czasy nic nowego stanowionym być nie ma przez nas i naszych następców, bez wspólnego zezwolenia senatorów i posłów ziemskich, co by było ujmą i ku uciążeniu Rzeczypospolitej oraz ze szkodą i krzywdą czyjąśkolwiek, tudzież zmierzało ku zmianie prawa ogólnego i wolności publicznej.''

See also
* early voice Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

External links

oklahoma and pl:Nihil novi

abrams is Tag: Polish history


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